You can apply for childcare benefit for a child up to the age of three. The duration of benefits can be between 12 and 36 months of your child’s life.
Below you will find information about who can apply for benefits, how much the childcare allowance is, what documents are required for the application and much more valuable information about childcare allowance.
Who is entitled to childcare allowance Kinderbetreuungsgeld?
The citizens of Austria, but also citizens of other EU countries, Switzerland as well as refugees with asylum in Austria, citizens of non-EU countries but who live in Austria and are staying in this country have the right to apply for benefits in this country are entitled. The applicant can be both the mother and the father of the child. Adoptive parents are also entitled to this benefit. The applicant is usually the mother of the newborn child, although she does not always live in Austria.
How much is childcare allowance Kinderbetreuungsgeld??
There are two systems available – a total of 5 variants:
- Four lump sum options:
Option 12+2
With this option, the parents can receive the highest benefit for 12 months, although the payment can be extended by a maximum of 2 months - up to 14 months.
Option 15+3
In this case it is possible to obtain a slightly smaller amount. This option covers the period until the child reaches 18 months old and is valid for 15 months for one parent. The other parent can apply for the benefit for the next three months.
Option 20+4
With this option, we request payment of the benefit for a maximum of 24 months, whereby one parent can receive this benefit until the child is 20 months old. The remaining four can be requested by the other parent.
Option 30+6
This is one of the most advantageous options. With this option, one parent can receive the benefit for up to 30 months, which means the other parent can apply for an extension of the benefit. An extension is possible until the child is 36 months old. Such a transfer (i.e. a change of benefit recipient) is only possible twice during the entire period.
- An option available in the second system is the benefit calculated based on the applicant’s previous income
With this model you receive benefits for 12 months. The amount of the benefit is 80 percent of your income.
The applicant can be both the mother and the father of the child. However, as in the previous cases, there is one parent and the duration of benefits can be a maximum of 12 months. You can request an extension for another 2 months.
If we have already received a family benefit of the same amount in Poland, we will be paid the difference.
What documents are needed to apply for childcare allowance?
Required documents for the application:
Confirmation of employment in Austria (employment contract) or business registration (economic activity)
Proof of earnings (pay slip) annually/monthly
Marriage certificate (preferably international)
Children’s birth certificates (preferably international)
Mother-child pass - 5 examinations during pregnancy and the first examination of the child after birth
Confirmation of legal residence in Austria (applicant and children)
Registration certificate in Poland (+ translation)
Certificate of receipt/non-receipt of family benefit in Poland (+ translation)
E401/E411 form (optional)
Copy of the e-card insurance card
Copy of ID cards/passports
Austrian tax number
Copy of the Austrian tax return for the previous year – if submitted
Account details to which the service is to be transferred (IBAN + BIC/SWIFT)
Where can I apply for childcare allowance?
In order to receive the childcare allowance, you must submit an application to the relevant health insurance company.
Below you will find a list of downloadable documents and the application form:
List of documents and childcare allowance form
All relevant applications and forms are also available at TKTRANSLATE at Str. Staszica 12/1 in Krosno/Poland. We are also happy to provide any information over the telephone +48 13 49 32 575 or mail biuro@tktranslate.pl
We take care of all the formalities for you on an ongoing basis and monitor the status of your childcare allowance application with the Austrian authorities.